Welcome to the YMCA Climate Action

Initiatives for Carbon Neutral 2030

"Today's ACTIONS are tomorrow's RESULTS."
- AJ Mayor, YMCA Volunteer


APAY Climate Auditors Workshop Strengthens YMCA Environmental Action

The Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs (APAY) Climate Auditors Workshop was held at the YMCA of Makati, Inc., Philippines, from February 3-7, 2025. Gathered by YMCA staff and leaders from 13 local YMCAs across the Asia-Pacific region to enhance climate action efforts and strengthen environmental initiatives within their respective communities.

Reorganization of the YMCA Green Team Philippines and Contingency and Continuity Planning

On November 8, 2024, the YMCA of the Philippines held the "Reorganization of Green Team Philippines and Contingency and Continuity Planning" to strengthen disaster risk reduction and environmental stewardship. This event marked the official reestablishment of Green Team Philippines, bringing together general secretaries and staff from local YMCAs to enhance sustainability efforts.

Carbon Neutral Training
Walk the Talk: YMCA Philippines’ road to become a Carbon Neutral YMCA

In partnership with Sao Hin YMCA, YMCA of the Philippines gathered forty-four (44) staff, volunteers and lay leaders from twelve (12) local YMCAs for a 2-day virtual training session on How to be a Carbon Neutral YMCA.

My Experience at COP26

It was the time of the year again for the Conference of the Parties (COP)! Since 1947, YMCA has a consultative status to the United Nations. During this COP, the YMCA was able to send more than 20 delegates who has an observer status at the Blue zone.

Channelling young people’s commitment to climate justice & sustainability

YMCA is committed to advancing global conservation and responsibility to reduce the effects of climate change through youth-led education programmes and advocacy initiatives that improve environmental awareness.


Climate change is now affecting every country on every continent. It is disrupting national economies and affecting lives, costing people, communities and countries dearly today and even more tomorrow.

Doing nothing will end up costing us a lot more than if we take actions now that will lead to more jobs, greater prosperity, and better lives for all while reducing green- house gas emissions and building climate resilience.